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About Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering


Being a focal point for university-wide activities in plasmas, MIPSE:



Executive Committee:

Collaborating Institutes and Centers

Code of Conduct

It is the policy of the Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering (MIPSE) in the College of Engineering at the University of Michigan that all participants, including attendees, vendors, staff, volunteers, and all other stakeholders at MIPSE meetings (including in-person and virtual meetings, and web communications) will conduct themselves in a professional manner. This conduct will be welcoming to all participants and free from any form of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation. Participants will treat each other with respect and consideration to create a collegial, inclusive, and professional environment. Creating a supportive environment to enable technical discourse at MIPSE functions is the responsibility of all participants.

Participants will avoid any inappropriate behavior, harassment, statements or communications of any kind (e.g., verbal, visual, electronic) based on individual characteristics. Violations of this code of conduct policy should be reported to meeting organizers. Sanctions may range from verbal warning to ejection from the meeting to notifying appropriate authorities. If a participant observes inappropriate behavior and personal intervention seems appropriate and safe, they should be considerate of all parties before intervening.

(Adapted from the Code of Conduct for APS Meetings.)