14th Annual Graduate Student Symposium, 2023
The 14th Annual MIPSE Graduate Student Symposium took place on November 15, 2023 at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. We had 40 student poster presentations – including 25 from the University of Michigan, 10 from Michigan State University, 3 from the University of Toledo, and 2 from the University of Notre Dame. The symposium was a success, enabling our students to share the results of their state-of-the-art research and learn from their colleagues.
The Symposium featured a special MIPSE seminar by Dr. Cami Collins of Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Dr. Collins is the winner of MIPSE Early Career Award 2023.

- Schedule (PDF)
- Booklet of Abstracts (PDF)
- Best Presentation Award
- Photo Gallery
- Poster Presentations
Best Presentation Award
We had a great team of MIPSE judges for the best presentation competition - Dr. Heath LeFevre, Dr. Mackenzie Meyer, Dr. Brandon Russell, and Dr. Deqi Wen. The judges had a challenging task in selecting from the many outstanding presentations. The MIPSE Best Presentation Award winners are:
- Ibukunoluwa Akintola (Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Notre Dame)
- Declan Brick (Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan)
- Thomas Chuna (Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering, Michigan State University)
- Yves Heri (Electrical and Computer Engineering, Michigan State University)
The winners received a MIPSE mug, award certificate, and a plasma book of their choice.

Again this year, the American Vacuum Society (AVS) Michigan Chapter sponsored its own poster competition. The AVS prize winner is:
- Yifan Gui (Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences, University of Michigan)

Photo Gallery

Poster Presentations (in alphabetical order)
- Ibukunoluwa Akintola, Temperature Inhibition of Methane Conversion in DBD Plasma-Driven Systems (PDF)
- Declan Brick, Bayesian Inference for Calibration of Anomalous Electron Transport in Multi-Fluid Hall Thruster Models (PDF)
- Thomas Chuna, Data Driven Discovery of System Equilibration (PDF)
- Zhongyu Cheng, Accelerating Low-temperature Processing of Printed Nanoinks Using Machine Learning and Bayesian Optimization of Non-thermal Plasma Jet Sintering (PDF)
- Veronica Contreras, Measuring Coulomb Explosion Ions from OMEGA EP Interactions (PDF)
- Tyler Eddy, TFIPS – A Compact, Low-power Heavy Ion Spectrometer for Space Environments (PDF)
- Md Arifuzzaman Faisal, Analyzing Spatial Growth Rate and Starting Current in Smith-Purcell Radiation Using Single- and Two-Layer Grating Structures (PDF)
- Eli Feinberg, Design of Halfraums for X-ray Flow Experiments on the NIF (PDF)
- Rebecca Fitzgarrald, Filter Pack X-Ray Spectrum Reconstruction for Betatron Streaking Experiment (PDF)
- Tate Gill, Investigation of a Low-Pressure Cathode Design for High-Current Operation on Chemically Reactive Gasses (PDF)
- Yifan Gui, Optimization of Ge/Si Core/Shell Nanoparticles Properties Through Nonthermal Plasma Synthesis (PPTX)
- Yves Heri, Space Charge Effects on Short-Pulse Beam Dynamics in Vacuum Diodes (PDF)
- Shailaja Humane, Exploring Multi-fidelity Bayesian Optimization for Inertial Confinement Fusion Design (PDF)
- Lan Jin, Beam Density Modulation During Emission Using RF and Laser Fields (PDF)
- Parker Roberts, Thomson Scattering Measurements of Electron Mobility in Hall Thrusters (PDF)
- Bingqing Wang, Statistic Analysis of Nanoscale Tunneling Electrical Contacts Based on Transmission Line Model (PDF)
- Collin Whittaker, Experiments and Modeling of a 25 W Porous Electrospray Array (PDF)