8th Annual Graduate Student Symposium, 2017
The 8th Annual MIPSE (Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering) Graduate Student Symposium took place on October 18, 2017 in the EECS Atrium at the University of Michigan. The symposium included a special seminar by Dr. Tiberius Moran-Lopez of the National Nuclear Security Administration (and UM alumnus), titled "Bridging HED Plasma Sciences to Stockpile Stewardship and Defense Applications". We especially thank Dr. Moran-Lopez and our MSU colleagues for attending the symposium.

We had a total of 41 poster presentations by our graduate students – including 38 presentations by UM students and 3 by MSU students. We thank all of the presenters for their informative posters and expert descriptions. The symposium was a great success, enabling our students to share the results of their state-of-the-art research and learn from their colleagues.
Best Presentation Award
The MIPSE judges (Dr. Nick Jordan, Dr. Guy Parsey, Dr. Rachel Young, and Dr. Jamie Jasinski) had a challenging task in selecting from the many outstanding presentations. The Best Presentation Award winners are:
- Laura Elgin (CLaSP, UM)
- Scott Hall (Aerospace Engineering, UM)
- Juliusz Kruszelnicki (NERS, UM)
- Selman Mujovic (NERS, UM)
The winners received a MIPSE mug, award certificate, and a plasma book of their choice.
Photo Gallery

Poster Presentations (in alphabetical order)
- Timothy Collard, Investigation of Detachment in a Miniature Magnetic Nozzle Source (PDF)
- Ethan Dale, Zero-dimensional Modeling Limitations for the Hall Thruster Breathing Mode (PDF)
- Laura Elgin, High-Energy-Density Physics Experiments at OMEGA 60: Evolution of the Rayleigh-Taylor Instability to the Highly Nonlinear Regime (PDF)
- Kenneth Engeling, Plasma Packed Bed Reactor Discharge Characteristics as a Function of Pressure (PPTX)
- Scott Hall, High-Power Performance of a Nested Hall Thruster (PDF)
- Yao Kovach, Self-organization and Electrolyte Ion Mass Transport Processes with Chemistry in 1 ATM DC Glows (PDF)
- Janez Krek, Self-adapting EEDF Evaluation Frequency in KGMf (PDF)
- Juliusz Kruszelnicki, Interactions Between Plasmas and Microscopic Metal Particles in Packed Bed Reactors (PPTX)
- Janis Lai, Argon and Air in 2-d Bubble Test Cell for Studying Active Species Transport Across Plasma-liquid Interface (PPTX)
- Kevin Ma, Modeling and Design of Radiative Hydrodynamic Experiments with X-ray Thomson Scattering Measurements on NIF (PDF)
- Astrid Raisanen, The Near-Anode Region in a Hybrid, Direct-Kinetic Hall Thruster Simulation (PDF)
- Robert VanDervort, Experiments to Understand the Interaction of Stellar Radiation With Molecular Clouds (PDF)
- Alexander Vazsonyi, Implementation of an Implicit, 2V Rosenbluth-Fokker-Planck Operator (PDF)
- Patrick Wong, An Exact Hot-Tube Solution for Thin Tape Helix Traveling-Wave Tube (PDF)
- Patrick Wong, Origin of Second Harmonic Signals in Octave Bandwidth Traveling-Wave Tubes (PDF)
- Jeff Woolstrum, 3D MHD Simulations of Auto-Magnetizing Imploding Liners for ICF (PPTX)