1st Annual Graduate Student Symposium, 2010
The 1st MIPSE Graduate Student Symposium took place on September 29, 2010, and by any measure was a success. The Symposium began with remarks by Dean Munson and an excellent seminar by Bruce Remington of LLNL. We then enjoyed four equally excellent talks by our students, followed by our inspiring poster session. We had participation by students from EECS, NERS, Aerospace Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, AOSS, Mechanical Engineering, and Applied Physics who presented 4 talks and 28 posters. The discussions surrounding the posters were vigorous!
Best Presentation Award
The MIPSE judges had quite a challenge in choosing a subset of these excellent talks and posters for the Best Presentation Award Winners. The winners are:
- Christopher McGuffey (oral presentation)
- Angela Dixon (poster presentation)
- Channing Huntington (poster presentation)
- Robert Lobbia (poster presentation)
- Jun-Chieh Wang (poster presentation)
The winners received a certificate and a book of their choice on a plasma topic.
Oral Presentations
- Christopher McGuffey Compact High-Brilliance Synchrotron Source Driven by a Tabletop Laser (Video, PPTX)
- Tiberius Moran-Lopez The Modeling of Turbulent Radiative Shocks with Applications to High Energy Density Physics and Astrophysics (Video, PDF)
- Brian Peterson High-Speed Flow and Fuel Imaging study of Available Spark Energy in a Spray-Guided Direct Injection Engine and Implication on Misfires (Video, PPT)
- Bradley Sommers An Investigation of Harmonically Driven Bubbles in a Wire-Plane Electrode Geometry (Video)
Poster Presentations (in alphabetical order)
- Iverson Bell Electrodynamic Tethers for ChipSats and Nanospacecrafts (PPTX)
- Julie Feldt GITM Synthetic TEC Comparison with GPS Data (PPT)
- Eric Gillman Cathode Spot Ejected Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) Calculations (PDF)
- Zhaohan He A High-Repetition Rate LWFA for Studies of Laser Propagation and Electron Generation (PDF)
- Aimee Hubble Spatially Resolved Study of Inter-Cusp Transport and Containment of Primary Electrons (PDF, PPTX)
- Robert Lobbia Time-Resolved Electron Energy Distribution Functions: Preliminary Results and Development of a Rapidly Swept Langmuir Probe System (PDF)
- Pooya Movahed Multi-Layered Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability (PPT)
- Rohit Shastry Erosion Characterization via Ion Power Deposition Measurements in a 6-kW Hall Thruster (PPT)
- Laura Spencer Experimental and Computational Study of Carbon Dioxide Dissociation in an Atmospheric Pressure Microwave Discharge (PDF)
- Benjamin Yee New Diagnostic Capabilities for NASA?s Pulsed Nanosecond Discharge (PDF)
- Peng Zhang Evaluation of RF Power Absorption and Electric and Magnetic Field Enhancements Due to Surface Roughness (PDF)
- Peng Zhang Electrical Contact Resistance with Dissimilar Materials (PDF)
- Calvin Zulick K-Shell Spectroscopy of Au Plasma Generated with a Short Pulse Laser (PPTX)