4th Annual Graduate Student Symposium, 2013
The 4th Annual MIPSE Graduate Student Symposium took place on September 25, 2013, at the University of Michigan. The symposium included a special presentation by Prof. Edward Thomas of Auburn University titled Magnetized Dusty Plasma Experiment: A User Facility for Complex Plasma Research. We had 30 posters presented by UM students and 11 posters presented by MSU students. The Symposium was a great success, enabling our graduate students to share the results of their excellent research.

Best Presentation Award
The MIPSE judges (Dr. Natalia Babaeva, Prof. Benjamin Longmier, Dr. J. P. Sheehan) had quite a challenging task in selecting from the many outstanding presentations. The Best Presentation Award winners are:
- Shannon Demlow (MSU)
- Christopher Durot (UM)
- Yiting Zhang (UM)
The winners received a MIPSE mug, award certificate, and a plasma book of their choice.
Photo Gallery

Poster Presentations (in alphabetical order)
- Charles Bardel Increasing Efficiency of Monte Carlo Particle-fluid Collision Calculations on GPU (PDF)
- Iverson Bell Studying Miniature Electrodynamic Tethers and Interaction with the Low Earth Orbit Plasma (PDF)
- Xiuzhang Cai Adaptively Matched GPS Antenna for Plasma Environments (PDF)
- Paul Cummings Simulations for the Elucidation of Electron Beam Properties in Laser-wakefield Acceleration Experiments via Betatron and Synchrotron-like Radiation (PPTX)
- Joshua Davis Film Characterization of Agfa D7 and D8 X-ray Film Using a Multiple Anode X-ray Source (PDF)
- Shannon Demlow Temperature Dependence of Boron Doping Efficiency (PDF)
- Gautham Dharuman Quasi-Classical Study of Atomic States (PDF)
- Horatiu Dragnea Simulation of Sputtered Boron Atoms in the Plume of a SPT-70 Hall Thruster (PDF)
- Christopher Durot Development of a Novel Time-Resolved Laser-Induced Fluorescence Technique (PDF)
- Alexander Englesbe Emissive Probe Measurement of Sheath Potential with Secondary Electron Emission in a Low-Density Xenon Plasma (PDF)
- Jeff Fein Preliminary Investigation of the High Energy Spectrum of Pinhole Point-projection Backlighters (PDF)
- Mayur Jain Modeling and Simulation of Strongly Coupled Plasmas (PPTX)
- Archis Joglekar Vlasov-Fokker-Planck Modeling of Plasma near Hohlraum Walls Heated with Nanosecond Laser Pulses Calculated Using the Ray Tracing Equations (PDF)
- Roxanne Katus Geomagnetic Response to Different Solar Wind Drivers and the Dependence on Storm Intensity (PDF)
- Shreya Nad Growth and Analysis of Large Undoped Single Crystal Diamond Substrates Using Microwave Plasma-Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition (MPACVD) (PPTX)
- Guy Parsey Non-Equilibrium Reaction Kinetics of an Atmospheric Pressure Microwave-driven Plasma Torch: a Kinetic Global Model (PDF)
- Ian Rittersdorf Effects of Random Circuit Fabrication Errors on the Mean and Standard Deviation of Small Signal Gain and Phase in a Traveling Wave Tube (PDF)
- Kapil Sawlani An Experimental Study to Show the Effects of Secondary Electron Emission on Plasma Properties in Hall Thrusters (PDF)
- Sang-Heon Song SiO2 Etch Properties and Ion Energy Distribution in Pulsed Capacitively Coupled Plasmas Sustained in Ar/CF4/O2 (PPTX)
- Qi Tang Finite Difference Weighted Essentially Non-oscillatory Schemes with Constrained Transport for Ideal MHD (PDF)
- Peng Tian VUV Photon Source of a Microwave Excited Microplasmas at Low Pressure (PPTX)
- Willow Wan Supersonic, Single-mode, Shockwave-driven Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability Experiment on OMEGA-EP (PDF)
- Jun-Chieh Wang A Microdischarge Based Presure Sensor (PDF)
- Matthew Weis Magneto-Rayleigh-Taylor Growth and Feedthrough in Cylindrical Liners (PDF)
- David Yager-Elorriaga Development of a Compact Pulse Generator for X-Ray Backlighting of Planar Foil Ablation Experiments (PPTX)
- Peng Zhang Electrical Contacts: A Voltage Scale for Thermal Runaway and Issues in Measurements of Constriction Resistance (PDF)
- Yiting Zhang Characteristics of Ion Energy Distribution in Dual-Frequency Capacitively Coupled Plasmas (PPTX)