3rd Annual Graduate Student Symposium, 2012

The 3rd Annual MIPSE Graduate Student Symposium took place on October 3, 2012, at Michigan State University. The symposium included a special presentation by Prof. Konrad Gelbke of MSU titled From NSCL (National Superconducting Cyclotron Facility) to FRIB (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams) at MSU. We had 24 posters presented by UM students, 12 posters presented by MSU students, 4 posters presented by visiting students from Pusan National University (Korea), and one poster presented by Prof. Hiroyuki Kousaka, visiting scholar from Nagoya University, Japan.
Best Presentation Award

The MIPSE judges (Prof. Jes Asmussen, Prof. Andrew Christlieb, and Prof. Yue Ying Lau) had quite a challenging task in selecting from the many outstanding presentations. After their deliberations, Best Presentation Award winners were:
- Kentaro Hara (UM)
- Peiyao Liu (MSU)
- Wei Tian (UM)
The winners received a MIPSE mug, award certificate, and a plasma book of their choice.
Poster Presentations (in alphabetical order)
- Marc Henry de Frahan Beryllium Strength under Extreme Dynamic Loading Conditions (PDF)
- Kentaro Hara Kinetic Simulations of Partially Magnetized Plasma in a Hall Thruster (PDF)
- Hiroyuki Kousaka Atomic Composition of Diamond-Like Carbon Film Coated at over 100 µm/h by Using Microwave-Excited High-Density near Plasma (PDF)
- David Liaw Simulation of Using Background Plasma to Neutralize for Charged Particle Thrusters on Nanospacecraft (PDF, PPTX)
- Jing Lu A Description of The Experimental Microwave Discharge Behavior Versus Pressure, Power and Reactor Geometry for MPACVD Diamond Synthesis Reactors (PDF)
- Mike MacDonald Imaging X-ray Fluorescence Relevant to Hydrodynamic Mixing Experiments at the National Ignition Facility (PDF)
- Collin Meierbachtol Including Convective Flows in a Self-Consistent Hydrogen-Based Microwave PACVD Reactor Model (PDF)
- Matthias Muehle Quality and Internal Stress of Single Crystalline Diamond Synthesized by Microwave Plasma Sssisted Chemical Vapor Deposition (PDF)
- Scott Rice Multipactor Suppression in Resonant Cavities via Secondary Modes (PDF)
- Ian Rittersdorf Effects of Random Circuit Fabrication Errors on Small Signal Gain in a Traveling Wave Tube (PDF)
- Bradley Sommers Plasma Formation in Deformed Gas Bubbles (PDF, PPTX)
- Qi Tang High Order Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory Adaptive Mesh Refinement Method for Ideal Magnetohydrodynamic Equations (PDF)
- Michael Vargas Phase Contrast Imaging with Betatron Radiation from Laser Wakefield Accelerated Electrons (PDF)
- Jun-Chieh Wang The Role of Micro-Plasmas from Charge Rollers in Printer Engines (PDF)
- Daniel Winklehner Space Charge Compensation Measurements of Multi-Charged Ion Beams Extracted from ECR Ion Sources (PDF)
- Peng Zhang Spreading Resistance of Thin Film Contacts (PDF)
- Calvin Zulick Neutron Generation Using Ultra-Intense Laser Plasma Interactions (PPTX)